Google Shopping Actions for e-Commerce

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Surprisingly many merchants and advertisers are not familiar with Google Shopping Actions (also known under Buy on Google).

This is despite the fact it was launched in 2018 to great fanfare. Even though the program is now four years old, there’s still a chance to get a competitive edge by learning how you can leverage it in 2022.

But first, let’s get clear on…

What Is Google Shopping Actions?

Many marketers will claim that Google Shopping Actions is Google’s marketplace solution. It may also be a competitor platform to Amazon or other tech giants. This is slightly misleading.

Google Shopping Actions, a program in Google Merchant Center (GMC), allows merchants to promote their products throughout the entire Google ecosystem (Search and Images, Google Home, etc.) via Google Shopping.

Potential buyers will see the universal cart icon to let them know that they can purchase directly from Google. This guarantees high levels of customer support.

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The Google Shopping Actions program allows retailers to sell via Google Shopping on mobile, desktop and voice.

Google says that Shopping Actions allows customers to convert browsing into purchasing by using a universal shopping cart, shareable shopping list and an instant checkout with saved payment credentials.

Note Google Shopping Actions are currently only available in the US and France. If you live elsewhere, you will have to be without it for the moment.

What is the Google Shopping Actions?

It’s as simple as it sounds. After browsing, users make a purchase. The items are shipped to a specific address. Google tracks every sale and sends the seller a commission invoice at the end each month.

Google Shopping campaigns do not use the Cost-Per-Click or Cost-Per-Action models. Google Shopping Actions, however, uses the far superior Cost-Per-Sale model.

This means that you only pay when the shopper actually purchases something from you. Running ads on Google Shopping Actions will not cost you anything else!

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E-stores will make a lot of money this year.

It’s possible.

Benefits of Google Shopping Actions

There are many of these, but let’s just focus on the most important ones that still seem to be elusive even for the most seasoned ecommerce professionals.

Be present in the entire Google ecosystem

You know that increasing traffic to your online store and driving sales is the best way to get more customers.

The GSA makes it easy! By signing up for the program, you can get your Shopping ads on Google Search, Google Shopping and Google Assistant in one click.

Let’s not be skeptical that shoppers can use Google Assistant to order products online. Google data shows that almost half of all customers who use their voice-activated speaker at minimum weekly say they use it to order groceries and household products every week.

Although it might seem like Google Assistant is a toy rather than something that people actually use every day, it’s actually a major player in ecommerce.

Optimize the user experience to increase sales

There are so many options for shopping, convenience can often be the difference between a new marketplace and other digital retail platforms.

Google Shopping Actions for ecommerce

GSA features a shareable shopping list, a universal shopping basket, and an instant checkout with your saved payment credentials.

Google Shopping Actions allows users to browse as many sellers and devices as they like without having to lose any items from their shopping cart. This makes them more likely to buy, as well as to buy more.

Create an email list to retain and attract customers

Shopping Actions also allows you to send promotional emails and direct customers to your website, which is a significant benefit. Shopping Actions will encourage customers to use Shopping Actions at checkout.

Remarketing existing customers is much more profitable. research shows that acquiring new clients is approximately 5 times more expensive than keeping the ones you have.

Pay per sale model

Shopping Actions is a way to pay for only the purchase of a customer, not each Shopping Ad click.

This may not be the most important thing if your company is large, but it can make a huge difference for small businesses.

You can get the best of both Google Shopping and Shopping Actions. This will increase your conversion rate, but at a lower price than if you were just running Shopping ads.

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Use Google Shopping Actions

Before we move on, ensure that you have both your Google Merchant Center and Google Shopping ready. You’ll need them both to use Shopping Actions.

Start by going to your GMC Account, clicking the Growth Tab in the left navigation menu. Next, select Manage Programmes and click Shopping Activities.

Create your shipping

You can use your Shipping Services configuration for other Shopping ads in Merchant Center to work with the Shopping Actions program.

Two things to keep in mind at this point: 1) Google will use your shipping configuration to automatically collect shipping feeds every time a customer purchases; and 2) Google will display an estimated delivery date to customers and the shipping price to them.

Go to your GMC account and select Shipping from the page menu. Click the plus (+) button.

These attributes will be required of you:

Name of shipping service. This will not be visible by customers so you can choose any name you like. You can use descriptive names if you have multiple configurations.

Handling time. This is the time it takes for a carrier to pick up the package after the customer has placed an order. A single number is sufficient if all of your items need the same amount.

If you need to indicate different handling times for each item in your product feed, it will suffice. The latter will always prevail over the former.

Time limit for orders. This value indicates the time at which orders will be processed the next business day after they are received by the customer. Orders received after the cutoff are processed the next business day.

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Transit time. This refers to how long it takes for a carrier to deliver a package after it has been picked up at your facility. A single range, such as “3-5 days”, can be used. However, multiple ranges can be used based on zip code regions.

Shipping cost. This determines the shipping cost to customers. Choose the option that is most suitable for your business.

Set up taxes

If you intend to use Shopping Actions in the United States then your payment service provider should set your tax information. We’ll be shortening the text and referring to .

If you are based in France, log into your GMC Account and click payments from the navigation panel. Scroll down to Profile under Business Information and click on the pencil icon.

Next, click Edit Tax Info and answer any tax form questions. Next, fill in the Certificate Of Foreign Status information and your digital signature. Finally, click Submit.

Choose products to be included

First, go to the Google Actions dashboard. Next, enter different keywords to locate the best categories that the Merchant Center supports. Finally, assign your products to those categories.

Once you are done, you can select the products or categories that you wish to export to Shopping Actions. You can also choose your entire catalogue. Click the Update button at the top of the channel to export.

Add branding assets

Shopping Actions requires that you create a circular merchant logo and favicon (optional in the US), as well as a print logo. You can also make photo banners.

Google will give your business a default logo when you set it up. This is fine for the initial stages, but you should create your own logo as soon as possible. Your page will be more unique if it is more personalized.

Your assets must meet Google’s requirements to be accepted. You can find more information about Google’s requirements.

After you have all your branding materials ready, log into your GMC Account, click on the tools icon at top, and then select Business Info. Next, click Branding and then click the dropdown Colour and Logos for Shopping Actions.

Setup billing and payments

The setup will vary depending on where you are located (in the US or France). If you are based in the US go to your GMCaccount and click Growth on the left menu.

Next, select Manage Programmes from drop-down. Next, click Complete interest form under the Google Program tab. After you are done, click Save and continue .

If you are based in France click Payments in the navigation panel of your Merchant Center account. Next, follow the instructions under Configuration to enter your business information.

Next, click on the Payment Accounts tab. Select Add payment Method. After you have entered all details, click save.

Enter your business information

Go to your GMC Account, click the Tools icon, then select Business Information and then About Your Business. All of this information will be visible to your customers.

Add your customer service contact

Google will contact you if the customer’s support team cannot resolve the issue.

Go to your GMC account and click the tools icon. Select Buy On Google Setup. Enter your customer service email address under Programme Settings.

Set up your privacy and marketing settings

You can use marketing settings to encourage customers to opt-in to or out of your marketing emails at checkout.

Click the tools icon to open your GMC Account. Select Buy On Google Setup and then click Settings. Next, click Market Settings. Select your preferred marketing email and enter your privacy policies URL (if applicable). Finally, click Save.

Add a Return Policy

Shopping actions allows you to create multiple return policies. However, the default policy is the one that will apply in the event that the item’s return policy attribute is not found or is missing.

Click the tools icon to open your GMC Account. Select Shipping & Returns from Tools. Next, click on the Return Policy tab. Click the plus (+) button to continue the instructions.

Add a Return Address

Your default return address works in the same manner as your default policy. It will be applied to any item whose return address attribute is missing or cannot been retrieved.

Click the tools icon to select Shipping & Returns from Tools. Click the Return addresses tab and then click the add default return addresses link under Default Return addresses. After you have completed all details, click save.

Review and publication

After you have completed all of the above, go through your store and make sure everything is correct (logos, products, etc.). To check if your information is correct, you may want to add some products to your shopping cart.

Once you are ready, log in to your Merchant Center and click the tools icon. Select Buy On Google Setup under Tools. Then click Publish Shopfront.

And that’s it! Within 24 hours, your products will be available on multiple Google platforms.

What are Google Shopping Actions?

Google Shopping Actions, a program in the Google Merchant Center, allows you to promote your products on multiple Google platforms.

What is the Google Shopping Actions?

Google Shopping will display your Shopping ads across the entire Google ecosystem. Google charges a commission fee to the seller for each purchase.

Are Google Shopping Actions available for free?

Sellers receive a monthly commission bill listing all commission fees that were applied to each purchase at the end of the month.

What are the advantages of Google Shopping Actions?

Here are a few examples:

  • Pay-Persale is less expensive than Pay-Per Click
  • Your products will be visible in the Google ecosystem (e.g. Google Search, Images and Google Home devices)
  • Streamlined customer experience
  • Shopping Actions allows customers to reach out directly and offer them regular promotional materials that are great for remarketing.